Write a note on the script used by people of Indus Valley Civilisation.

The writing system developed by the people of Indus Valley Civilisation is called Indus Script and it is the earliest form of writing known in the Indian subcontinent. The origin of the script has not been understood properly. Its connection with Indian writing systems (e.g. Brahmi, Devanagari and Bengali script) is uncertain. This is the main reason why the Indus Valley Civilisation is one of the least known of the important early civilizations of antiquity. Examples of Indus writing has been found on seals and seal impressions, pottery, bronze tools, stoneware bangles, bones, shells, ladles, ivory and on small tablets made of steatite, bronze and copper. Since the Indus Script has not been deciphered yet, its use is not known with certainty and all that we think we know is based on archaeological evidence alone. 

However we dont know much about the Indus script, scholars who have studied it agree on a number of points:

The Indus Script was generally written from right to left.
The representation of certain numerical values has been identified.
The Indus Script combined both word signs and symbols with phonetic value.


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