why do we know so little about the trible societies of the medieval period? What occupations were they engaged in?

We know so little about tribal communities due to various reasons.

1. Tribal communities live away from modern day settlements in dense forests, hilly regions and isolated places. It is difficult to access them even in these days of modern transport.

2. Tribal communities have always been in very little contact with the rest of the world and are wary of outsiders. Some communities are unfriendly and do not wish to give information regarding their life and custom for the fear of unknown.

3. The language of most tribal communities have not developed a script of their own and thus no information is recorded. All knowledge of their past and traditions are passed on orally and the death of an elder tribal would mean loss of valuable knowledge.

4. The assimilation of many tribal communities into the urban, structured society has led to the loss of all valuable information regarding many of these tribes.

5. Many of the tribal communities are still nomadic in nature and it is difficult to get precise information about the members, composition, life and culture because of their mobile nature.

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bewakuf khud doondh

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  • We know very little about tribal societies and groups because:
  • the tribal people did not keep written records.they preserved their customs and traditions orally.
  • the tribal people did not allow outsiders into their areas of habitation.
  • the tribal people lived in remote areas such as dense forests,hills,mountains,and deserts.

The tribal people were engaged in agriculture,herding and hunting-gathering

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