what was the consequence of majoritarianism practiced Sri Lanka? Account for the causes that give rise to resentment among the Tamil speaking community. This question is from power sharing

Dear Student,

Causes for resentment among the Tamils:

a. Sri Lanka, an island country known for is linguistic, ethnic diversity.
b. The country is home to Sinhalese who are in majority and Tamils, and other ethnic groups which are in minority.
c. Though the country claimed to be a democracy, the nation never provided for power sharing between the Sinhala and the Tamils.

d. The Sinhala community established its supremacy by pursuing the policy of Majoritarianism and by adopting various measures like  The Sri Lankan constitution which did not give recognition to the minority group and instead recognised Sinhala as the official language.

e. The Tamils there, have been deprived of their basic civil political rights and have been the victims of discrimination.
State policies also sought to give preference to the Sinhala community in terms of jobs and educational institutions.Tamils dominated regions have been deprived of autonomy. 
f. The country witnessed the rise of militant group LTTE and the worst form of civil war killing thousands and displacing many.
g. The government of Sri Lanka started massive offensive strife against the LTTE from 2006, and claimed to defeat LTTE in 2009. 
h. It brought about worst form of human rights violation.

Consequences of majoritarianism:

The Sinhala community  which mustered majority and formed the government,established its supremacy by pursuing the policy of Majoritarianism and by adopting various measures:
i. The Act of 1956 , declared 
Sinhala as the official language disregarding Tamil .
ii. The government followed preferential treatment towards Sinhala community.
iii. They were given preference in educational institutions and for government jobs sidelining the Tamils.
iv. The Constitution declared that State will protect and foster Buddhism.
v. Tamils were denied of equal political rights and were discriminated.
Thus, such a policy of majoritarianism deteriorated relations between the two communities leading to ethnic conflict. Lack of power sharing between the two groups and lack of adequate representation and accommodation of the interests of the Tamils led to civil war and strife.



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