what is the difference between inductive and electromeric effect?

1. Inductive Affect Is A Permanent Affect Where As Elctromeric Affect Is A Temporary Affect.

2.Inductive Affect Is Observed When A Group Having Different Electronegativity Is Attached To Carbon Chain Where As Electromeric Affect Is Observed In Presence Of Attacking Reagent.

  • 27
Inductive effect arise due to the presence of polar covalent bond.Electromeric effect complete transfer of pie electrons whereas inductive effect complete transfer of sigma bond.
  • 9
Types of isomers are:- 1) 2) 3) Hope this is usefull😂😜😎
  • -19
The polarisation of pi- bonds caused by adjacent pi- bonds is called inductive effect On the other hand, electromric effect istermed as the transfer of shared pair of pi- electrons to one of the shared pair of electrons to one of the atoms joined by multiple bond
  • 0
Ans chahiye? Ah ans chahiye ...chup chap textbook kholo aur padho dont dare to come back to this site 😂🤣
  • -11
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