What are the causes of deforestation?

Dear student, 
​Please find below the solution to the asked query        

Causes of deforestation:-

1. Due to increase in the needs agriculture is expanding, for which they are clearing the forests.

2. They are clearing the forests for using these land as a grazing land.

3. They are clearing the forests for timber collection.

4. Fire is also a major cause of deforestation.

5. They are clearing forests for building dams.

6. Mining is also a cause, for digging mines they first need to clear the land by removing forests.

7. Palm oil is also a major cause of deforestation, demand of palm oil is increasisg day by day which leads to increase in deforestation.

8. Cultivation shifting is also a cause of deforestation, farmers shift their land for cultivation when their land becomes unfertile.​

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.   
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