We walk down stinking lanes choked with garbage,past homes that remain hovels with crumbling walls, wobbly doors,no windows, crowded with families of human and animal coexisting in a primeval state.Q1) Who are we? Q2) Which area is being visted Q3) Describe the condition of homes?Q4) Explain humans and animals coexisting in a primeval state?

Dear Student.

1) We refers to the writer and Mukesh.
2) A slum area in Firozabad is being visited where Mukesh lives.
3) The walls of the houses were crumbling, the doors were wobbling, there was no window, hence no proper ventilation. The houses were crowded with people.
4) The condition of the ragpickers was such that it seemed as if years of civilizational development had completely bypassed them as they were still found to exist in a primitive state where man and animal both foraged in the same areas for food.   

We hope that this answer solves your query.

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