Two short dipoles each of dipole moment p are placed at origin. The dipole moment of one dipole is along x axis and other is along y axis. The magnitude of electric field at a point (a,0)is given by

Dear Student,
                       Electric field due to both dipole at (a,0) will be perpendicular to each otherso net field =Ex2+Ey2=2p4πε0a32+p4πε0a32=p4πε0a35

  • 36
ya the ans is y axis u need to use the formula tan(alpha) =(1/2)tan(teta) to solve this problem i am sorry i cant explain u with a digram hear but i will try my level best here teta=angle made by position vector of the given point with x axis in anticlockwise sence and alpha= angle made by the Enet with p.v of given point in the same sence so here tan(teta)=root2 so from above formula we get tan(alpha)=1/(root2) now draw the digram carefully u see that Enet is along y axis I AM SURE THIS SOLUTION IS CORRECT
  • 6
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