Two numbers are 20% and 25% less than a third number respectively. how much % is the second number less than the first number ?

Let A, B, C be three numbers.
Let B is 20% less than A , and C be 25%  less than A. 
 Let A be x, then
 B = x - 20% of- ( 20/100 )x  =  80x/100 = 0.8x           
C= x - 25% of x  =  x- 25/100x = 75x/100 = 0.75x
Now we have to find out how much %  C is less than B so 
            = (0.8x - 0.75x)/0.8x * 100= (0.05x/0.8x ) * 100= 100/16=6.25 % 

  • -7
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