The taxi fare in a city is as follows: For the first kilometer, the fare is Rs. 8 and for
the subsequent distance it is Rs. 5 per km. Taking the distance covered as x km
and total fare as Rs. y, writes a linear equation for this information

Here is the complete explanation to the mentioned question.
Fare for the first km = Rs 8
Total distance covered = x km
After travelling first km, remaining distance = (x – 1) km
Rate of fare = Rs 5 per km
Fare for (x – 1) km = 5 × (x –1)
Total fare = Rs y
Fare for the first km + fare for the remaining distance = y
8 + (x – 1) 5 = y
8 + 5x – 5 = y
5x – y + 3 = 0

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