Question no. 5,7,8,9,11

Question no. 5,7,8,9,11 Seect the statement, (A1 Anthra' is a bacterial disease that s and affects human Rust fungal disease that *Mead by air Citrus canker is a viral disease that affects Cirrus fmitS. Yellow vein is a viral disease that affects bhindi. A bacteria undergoes binary fission in every minute This bacterium can up a Cup in hour 'n how much time win the cup be half fined? (A) 30 minutes (B) 59 minutes (C) 20 minutes (D) 40 minutes 10 Study the gi ven Here. X refers to (A) Pasteurisation Immunisation (C) Fertilisation (D) Inoculatiotm Match column I with column 11 correct option from the codes (a) (b) (d) (e) Column I Column Apple scab (i) Blue Flagellum Nostoc (iii) Spirogyra Tooth paste (iv) Fungus Multicellular (v) Euglena NSOWORKE

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b. 59 minutes.

The number of bacteria in one hour have been formed by half the number of bacteria in the previous minute since, bacterial cells divide into two every minute, therefore, the answer is 59 minutes.


Time =12 minutes.

Apple scab: Fungus
Flagellum: Euglena
Nostoc: Blue green algae
Tooth paste: Xanthomonas campestris
Multicellular: Spirogyra

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