Q. Calculate mean: median:and mode

x f

10-20 4

10-30 16

10-40 56

10-50 97

10-60 124

10-70 137

10-80 146

10-90 150

guys please.............. its urgent experts please......reply fast .....


 I converted the series for you

now you can easily solve it

10-20 4
20-30 12
30-40 40
40-50 41
50-60 27
60-70 13
70-80 9
80-90 4

I can even solve the full question for you if you want... 

  • 1
Please tell me its ans i cant find mean
  • -2
Find mean

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Same question plzzz give me answer
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Answer of mean =46.33

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Find mean median and mode

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