Please experts add 2 more paragraphs to this ans Please experts its really urgent. Ch- Iswaran The Story Teller


One night, Mahendra was woken up from his sleep by a low moan close to his window. At first he dismissed it to be a cat’s cry. As the cry grew louder, he peeked out of the window to see a dark, unclear form holding a bundle. He fell back on the pillow panting.
He gradually reasoned that it was some sort of “auto suggestion”, a trick that his subconscious had played on him. By morning, he had forgotten the horror of the previous night.
Just then Iswaran reminded Mahendra how he had got annoyed at his imagining things. But, the previous night Iswaran had come running to his room at the sound of moaning. He knew Mahendra too had seen the ghost of a lady.

Mahendra was petrified. He hurried to his office and resigned. He decided to leave the haunted place the very next day.


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