Meaning of sijdah and paibos

sijdah means bowing down and touching your head to show salutations and paibos is you kiss the feet of the ruler to show respet
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Sijdah means stretching out on ground in front of the sultan with one's forehead touching the ground to acknowledge the power of sultan and paibos means kissing the sultan's feet to acknowledge his power

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and zaminbos
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The term Sijadh means 
to practise of kneeling and touching the ground with forehead in salutation to sultan.
the term paibos means
Kissing the feet of the king 
Ghiyasuddin balban introduce the both term
Ghiyasuddin balban is the fourth ruler of delhi sultanate
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1)Sijdah means touching the ground with forehead to give respect to the king. 
2)Paibos means kissing the feet of the king to show respect.
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hope my answer will help you
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Sijada means lying on the ground at the feet of the Sultan. Paibos means kissing the sultan's feet
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1) "Sijdah" , a Persian custom means to stretch down to the ground and bow infront of the Sultan. This is done for giving respect.
2) "Paibos" or "Zaminbos" means to kiss the Sultan's feet.
People were against this as they felt such customs were reserved for God alone.
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Sidgah means I don't know , but paibos means i dont know . Hope u found my ans satisfactory
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Social Science
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Sijdah means to kiss the feet of the sultan and paibos means means to kneel down and touch the ground with the forehead. These customs showed that the sultan was akin to god.
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Sijdah-prostrate Paibos-kissing the sultan's feet
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In order to raise the prestige of the king, Ghiyas-ud-din Balban, his nobles were to perform sijdah and paibos which means prostration and kissing the monarch's feet
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Sijdah is to bow our head in front of the sultan and paibos is to kiss the feet of the sultan in order to respect the sultan
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Paibos means kissing the feet of the king
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Sijdah-a form of salutation in which a person had to kneel and touch the ground with his forehead
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Sijadh means that one should lye down the ground stretching his/ her body before the sultan.
Paiboos means kissing the feet of sultan  showing his power
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Sijdah - prostrating before the sultan. Paibos - kissing the ground before sultan.
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Sajada mens to bow down and on knees and kiss the toe of the king in the mark of respect
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you must know all the languages
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Sijdah means lying face down before the sultan. Paibos means kissing the ground before the sultan....
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Sijdah means prostration before the sultan as a mark of respect and paibos means kissing the sultan's .feet.
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It was a rule made by balban to kiss the feet of the king
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sijdah means bowing down and touching your head to show salutations and paibos?is you kiss the feet of the ruler to show respect
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Sijdah means to turn down head towards the King and on the ground.

Paibos means to kiss the ground before the Sultan.
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Sijdah-should not Show your back to the ruler
Paibos-should wash rulers feet
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sijdah means bowing down and touching your head to show salutations and paibos is you kiss the feet of the ruler to show respet
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sijdah and piabos was started by Ghiyasuddin?Balban?where, in paibos you kiss the feet of the sultan and sijdah is prostration.
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Hope this will help you

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Sijdah-lying face down before a sultan(a form of bowing before a respected person to show respect)

Paibos-kissing the ground before the sultan.
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This is the answer??

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Sijdah and paibos means kissing the feet of the king and touching the ground when he arrives respectively
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Sijdah and paibos was introduced by balban the most powerful ruler of slave dynasty. Sijdah means bending in front of King and worshipping him while paibos means kissing the feet of the king.
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Sajdah = means reaching out before the sultan on the ground with one's face touching the ground to acknowledge the influence of the sultan.
Paibos = means kissing the foot of the sultan to appreciate his power.
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I don't know
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