Is (CH3)3 a nucleophile or electrophile? And why?

Dear Student,
(CH3)3C+  is a positively charged electrophile. This is a tertiary carbocation which has an electrophilic centre (C+) is stabilized  +I effect of the 3 methyl groups  There is a deficiency of electrons at the carbon centre and hence it will behave as a electrophile. This is formed when when the leaving group is more electronegative compared to carbon or in the presence of an acid 
(CH3)3C-Br  ( CH3)3C+ + Br-  (Br more elctronegative compared to C)
(CH3)3C- can also be formed when the leaving group is less electronegative or in the precence of a base . (CH​3)3C- will be weak nucleophile because it has e- rich C centre. It will be weak due to the destabilization of 3 methyl groups.
(CH3)3C-H + base(CH3)3C-+ H+ ( base will abstract the proton).
 The behaviour of (CH3)3C will depend on the path from which it is formed.

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(CH​3)3C that is correct compound
and it it neutrophilic
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