In a huge manufacturing company there was a constant training programme running for the workers throughout the year. The workers were trained about the machines as the management realised that management is all about the relationship among workers and their proper handling of the machines. As the size of the organisation increased the management decided to release their hold on a day to day activities of the organisation. A more decentralised approach was adopted where the workers could decide about the machines and the amount of raw material required instead of the traditional centralized approach as per the needs. The management knew that the external environment is dynamic. In order to meet stiff competition, they clarified to the workers that their instructions should not be taken strictly and should be moulded as per the requirements of the organisation at the level where actual action takes place.
Which natures of principles of management have been highlighted in the above case?

Dear Student,
Here is your answer,

The natures of principles of management have been highlighted in the above case are:
1.Flexibility These are not set of rigid statements. These can be modified by the managers who are using them.
2.Contingent Management principles are contingent or dependent upon the situation prevailing in organisation.
3.General Guidelines Management principle give guidelines to solve the problems, these principles do not provide ready made solution for all the problems.


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