I want a paragraph on ranji's character

Ranji is a young boy with a thin and strong body. He has a great talent of swimming. So, having found a clear-water pool in the forest became a source of joy for him. Though friendly in nature, he does not consider himself to be any less than others either in terms of strength or talent. If others be warrior, he would stand like a fighter. He never compromises on his self respect. He went on for the fight on the next day even after knowing that he might get defeated. It was not a question of losing or winning but about his dignity. To accept defeat without fighting would be to demean his self respect. He knew as long as he fought, he had a right to the pool. Despite this ever ready spirit of fighting, he has a soft heart. He quickly to accepted the offer of friendship by Suraj and also promised him to give lessons on swimming underwater and diving.

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