How do we get the message of justice from 'Fair play'?

Jumman and Algu as great friends always supported and helped each other in good and bad times. However, when Jumman’s aunt chose Algu as the Panch, he could no longer favour Jumman as a friend. Algu was now on the seat of justice and had to do right, not support his friend even if he was wrong. He understood his responsibility to take the right decision and thus concluded the investigation in favour of Jumman’s aunt as she was in the right. Jumman after adding his aunt’s property to his own had started mistreating her. He forgot that as her property-holder and as her nephew, he had responsibilities and accountability towards his aunt. Jumman became bitter towards Algu for deciding against him despite being his friend. However, when he found himself in the position of the Panch, he realized that his duty was to do right and not color his decision with personal matters and grudges. It dawns on him that a Panch cannot be partial in any way. Thus, the idea of justice and truth is delivered in the story. It teaches that while taking important decisions one should not think in terms of ours and others but in right and wrong.

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