Give any four essentials of a good digrammatic presentation.

Dear Student,
You can select any four of your choice :-
  • Suitable title on top which conveys the subject matter in a brief and unambiguous manner. For more details about the title, then mention them in the footnote below the diagram.
  • Construct a diagram in a manner that immediately impacts the viewer. Draw it neatly with an appropriate balance between its length and breadth. Further, make sure that the diagram is neither too large nor too small. You can also use different colours or shades to emphasise different aspects of the problem.
  • Draw the diagram accurately using proper scales of measurement
  • It must be according to objective of the investigation.
  • If you use different shades or colours to depict the different characteristics in the diagram, then ensure that you provide an index explaining them.
  • If you are using a secondary source, then ensure that you specify the source of data.
  • Try to keep your diagram as simple as possible.

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