"Garbage to them is gold". Explain.
(question from lost spring - Saheb-e-alam story)

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In the story Lost Spring Saheb-e-alam used to collect garbage from the dustbin and it is the only means of survival to him as well for his family because of this the author said that 'Garbage to them is gold'. The poor children are generally not able to fulfil their dreams because of lack of money. The same thing occur with saheb as he wants to go to school but he has not that much of money that he will go to school and if he will go to school then he was not able to get food for that day. So he used to collect garbage from dustbin. And because of this all the poor children suffers the most.
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The author wants to draw the attention of the readers towards the miserable conditions of the poor people.For them even a little is a lot for them.It is difficult for them to get at least one square meal a day.So at least one meal a day and a place to stay is more than anything they wish for.They lack education and hence no job except ragpicking. And for the children it is wrapped in wonder because if they find anything valuable to them, then there is hope to get more.
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