Find the 20th term from the last term of the AP 3, 8, 13, .....253.

Dear Student!

Here is the answer to your query.


To find 20th term from the last of the A. P. 3, 8, 13 ... 253

we have to find 20th term of the reverse A. P. i.e.  253  ... 13, 8, 3

In the new A.P. first term a = 253 and common difference d = 3 – 8 = –5

We know that

an = a + (n – 1) d

a20 = 253 + (20 – 1) (–5)

 = 253 + 19 × (–5)

 = 253 – 95 = 158


Hence 20th term from the last of the A.P. 3, 8, 13 ... 253  is 158.



  • 83


a = 253






  • 14

well explained!!

  • -5

20th term from the last is required  ?  this is wrong solution

  • -13
What are you looking for?