
Extract Section {C} Literature (To Read the extract given below and answer the questions Nothing beside renoains. Round the decay C)t• that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away. (i) iVhat does 'colossal wreck' refer to? (ii) \Vhat does the last line suggest? 'iii) S.snonvm of 'boundless' is ............ iO statue is referred to here? Or O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece (

(i) 'Colossal wreck' refers to the fallen statue of Ozymandias,the once great ruler of Egypt who commissioned an image of himself so           that the mighty should look on his works and despair.
(ii) The last line means that the only thing surrounding the fallen statue is a barren wasteland of desert.
(iii) Synonym of boundless can be limitless
(iv) Ozymandias

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