difference between ducts and glands????

Duct gland (often called exocrine gland) are glands that has a duct and secretes to their destination directly. Some examples are sweat glands and salivary glands. 

Endocrine gland (sometimes called ductless) are glands that utilizes the blood vessels to send messages to the target organs. The released messages (most often hormones) travel through the body until it reaches the target organ, then activates the cells of that organ. Some examples of are pancreas (release of insulin and glucagon) and the adrenal glands

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what is a duct?????

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Ducts are like a path ways which are useful in transfer the secretion of glands

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Ducts are an often enclosed passage or channel for conveying a substance specially a liquid on the other hand glands are an organ in human or animals body which particular chemical substance for use in body
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Ducts are an often enclosed passage or channel for conveying a substance specially a liquid on the other hand gland is an organ in human or animal body which secreate particular chemical substance for use in body
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* Exocrine glands are duct glands and Endocrine glands are ductless glands.

*Endocrine glands are ductless glands which secrete hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers secreted by endocrine glands directly into the blood. These regulate the activity of a target organ. Exocrine glands are the glands which possess ducts to send their secretions to the target organs. Exocrine glands are not part of the endocrine system.

*Endocrine responses are slow because enzymes must travel through the blood to reach their target organ. The duration of the response is long because the enzyme must be filtered out of the blood by the kidneys. Exocrine responses are immediate as the secretions of exocrine glands are poured into the target organs.

*Examples of endocrine glands are Pituitary gland, Hypothalamus, Thyroid gland,  Parathyroid glands, Adrenal glands, Thymus gland, Gonads etc. Examples of exocrine glands are Liver, Pancreas, salivary glands etc.

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