Describe the impact of Greek War of Independence on the rest of Europe

Dear Student,

a. Pre 1789, we certainly witness the absolute governments in Europe, with concentration of powers in the hands of a monarch
b. We also see society being characterised by strict social stratification.
c. The society was driven by conservative ideology glorifying traditional institutions of church, the monarch
d. However  between 1789-1850 we witness the age of revolutions that challenged the authority of the church and the monarch
e. The rise of revolutionary movements  demanded government based on popular consent.

f. Here we may give example of  the nationalist struggle in Greece started in 1821, Greece was part of the Ottoman empire and sought independence from the Muslim empire
g. Greece nationalist struggle triggered a massive support from Greeks in exile  and also from people of West Europe
h. Greece which was known for its rich culture and tradition got massive support from poets, authors who 
could mobilize support and generate public opinion in favour of Greece independent struggle
i. The treaty of Constantinople of 1832, was the result of negotiations between Britain, France and Russia. and Ottoman empire. The Treaty of Constantinople of 1832  thus. recognised Greece as an independent nation.
j. The treaty also outlined the boundaries, the frontiers of a new state.
k. Such an event popularised the idea of liberal nationalism, nation state across Europe.
l. It helped in mobilising educated people across Europe and instilled nationalist feelings in them.
The liberal wave  swayed Europe was certainly a challenge to the traditional institutions of monarchy and church.
n. Greek war of independence was followed by the age of revolutions in Europe, rise of middle class all across who demanded constitutionalism.


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