debate on the following topics :
1. will computers  replace the teachers ?
2.nuclear family v/s joint family 

Dear Student,
Debate on whether computers will replace teachers someday.

You can use the use the following points to elaborate on your opinion that computers can never replace teachers:
  • The human element – the passion and love that most teachers bring into the classroom can never be replicated by a computer. Also, many emotional issues can arise in a classroom like bullying; a computer can never be programmed into solving such problems.
  • The wealth of experience – computers are factual. They only deal with available information. Teachers on the other hand can draw from the experiences they have gathered in life to make lessons more effective.
  • Studying is not just about mugging up facts. It’s also about human interaction and what we learn by sharing with each other. Teachers are essential for imparting students with life skills, and inspire them to reach their potential.
While computers can definitely supplement a classroom experience, they can’t, in any way, replace the value of a teacher.
Debate - nuclear family vs. joint family.

You can start the debate by saying that both nuclear and joint family systems have their pros and cons and that it is up to the family to decide which system suits them. In your debate, you can support the nuclear family system by using the following points:
  • Lack of individuality in a joint family – when every single decision, be it big or small, needs to be taken after consultation with the entire family. Nuclear families are more self sufficient that way.
  • Partiality inside the joint family system leading to lack of independence or less benefits for some of its members. Again, this won’t be as big an issue in a nuclear family.
  • More bonding between the members of a nuclear family – “Small family, Happy family.”
  • Less generation gap – today’s youngsters may find it difficult to get along with their great-grandparents or their grandparents.
Hope this answers your question. For further doubts, please ask on the forum and our experts will be happy to help you as soon as possible.

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yes.According to me someday computer and technolpgy will replace teachers.Someday no student will go to school and will study at home with some srudy machine of that time...I think this will help you
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