Answer of no. 2

Answer of no. 2 2. In a trapezium ABCD, side AB is parallel to side DC. LA and find the value of x. The angles A, B, C and D of a trapezium ABCD are in the ratio 3 : dB : ZC : ZD = 3 : 4 : 5 : 6. Find all the angles o' the trapezium. W), — two sides of this trapezium which are parallel to each other. Give

Image result for trapezium abcd

We know that in a trapezium, side AB is parallel to side DC,

So, angle A and angle D are complimentary......that is they add up to 180 degrees
Also angle B and angle C are complimentary (just for your understanding)

angle A = x degrees
angle D = (3x - 20) degrees

Therefore :

x + 3x - 20 = 180
4x = 160
x = 40 degrees 
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