And the question 7,8,9,10,11

And the question 7,8,9,10,11 Ques ; Ans Why a given by M. did M. can lesson Lesson'? Why is lesson the last lesson so called? The lesson given by M was the last in It is because France was defeated by Germany and had to surrender the border districts ot- Alsace and Lorraine to her victorious neighbour The order had come horn Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Que> : / Ans Alsace and Lorraine And the school of M Hamel was situated in Alsace The new teacher would come to the school to teach from the next day So, it was the last lesson in French imparted by M Hamel in his school Why, On the day or the last lesson did everyone set to work quietly? On the day of the last lesson in French everyone in the school was sad and did their work quietly M, Hamel announced that the order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine The teacher would come to the school from the next day Everybody was shocked by the sad newsd3ecause it was quite unexpected to everyone Each student wanted to learn everything about their mother tongue u They {egretted for neglecting their lessons The village people, sitting on the back Denches were also sorn fer their negligence in the past. Even the small children were doing their work quietly Thus everyone was quiet on the day of the last lesson and did work silently

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