(a) After rotating by 90° about the centre, a figure looks exactly the same as its original position. At what other angles will this happen for this figure?

(b) Write three capital English alphabets which have neither rotational symmetry nor reflection symmetry.

(c) Write an English alphabet with both reflection and rotational symmetry.

(d) Given an example of geometrical figure which has no line of symmetry but not a rotational symmetry of order more than 1.

(a) It can be observed that if a figure looks symmetrical on rotating by 90º, then it will also look symmetrical on rotating by 180º, 270º and 360º i.e., further multiples of 90º.
(b) The 3 capital English alphabets which have neither rotational nor reflectional symmetry are :
F, G and J.
(c) The 3 capital English alphabets which have both reflection and rotational symmetry are :
H, I and O.
(d) Scalene Triangle


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