5 tan 4x-1=4 tan2 x.find general solution

5tan4x-1=4tan2x5tan4x-1-4tan2x=05p2-1-4p=0     Let tan2x=p5p2-5p+p-1=05pp-1+p-1=05p+1p-1=0p=-15  or p=1     p=1    Since square of any function can't be negative, therefore neglect the negative value tan2x=1tanx=±1=tan±π4x=nπ±π4

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Assume tan2 x = a where a ' belongs to 'R

now , equation becomes 5 a 2 - 4 a - 1 = 0

factorise and you'll get ( 5 a + 1 ) ( a - 1 ) = 0

= 5 a = -1 or a = 1

= a = ( - 1 / 5 ) or a =1

Since ,square of any function ( even negative numbers ) is never negative

so , a doesn't equal to ( - 1 / 5 ) and hence , a = 1 is true

= tan x = ± 1

this gives the general solution as { n ± ( / 4 ) } , where n ' belongs to ' Z

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