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  • Triangle: A triangle is a three-sided polygon. It is the polygon with the least number of sides.



We denote this triangle as ΔPQR. Here, are the sides of ΔPQR. The points P, Q and R are the vertices of ΔPQR and the angles are ∠RPQ, ∠PQR and ∠QRP.

  • A triangle can be classified on the basis of the measures of its angles and sides.


  • Classification of triangles on the basis of the measures of its angles:


Nature of the angle 

Acute-angled triangle

obtuse-angled triangle

Right-angled triangle

Each angle is acute

One angle is obtuse

One angle is a right angle 


  • Classification of triangles on the basis of the lengths of its sides:


Nature of the angle  

Scalene triangle

Isosceles triangle 

Equilateral triangle

All three sides are of unequal length

Any two sides are of equal length

All sides are of equal length


  • Angle sum property of triangles:

The sum of all the three interior angles of a triangle is 180°.

∴ ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°


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