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  • Construction of histogram of different class intervals

A histogram is a graphical representation of grouped data.



Represent the given data in the form of a histogram.


Marks 0 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 50 50 – 60
Number of students 10 13 16 11



Here, the minimum class size is 10.

Thus, we can find the adjusted frequencies using the following formula,


Marks Number of students Class size Adjusted frequency
0 – 20 10 20
20 – 30 13 10
30 – 50 16 20
50 – 60 11 10


The histogram of the given data can be drawn as follows:

  • Interpretation of histograms

The interpretation of data represented by a histogram can be done by looking at it.


The following histogram shows the production of food grains (in thousand tonnes) over a period …

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