Write differences between photosynthesis and respiration?

Respiration Photosynthesis
The process in living organisms of taking in oxygen from the surroundings and giving out carbon dioxide  The process in plants of taking carbon dioxide from outside and give out oxygen to the surroundings.
In living organism the food is broken down in the cells in order to release energy. Plants make their own food in the presence of sunlight,chlorophyll, carbon dioxide and water
Energy is released in the living organisms Light energy is consumed by plants.
The process can take place in animals and plants also. The process can take place in plants only.
C6H12O6(glucose) + 6O 6H2O + 6CO2 + energy
6CO2 + 6H2ChlorophyllSunlight C6H12O6(glucose) + 6O2

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respiration is the process in which food is broken into simpler forms whereas photosynthesis is the process during which food is synthesised from simpler molecules

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The mechanism of gaseous exchange through which the organisms obtain oxygen from the environment and release of carbon dioxide is termed breathing.

The respiration is a complex biochemical process that involves step by step breakdown of simple food ( glucose) to release energy in the form of ATP. Respiration is a complicate process which includes breathing and oxidation of food with the release of energy.

Photosynthesis produces food Respiration breaks down food In photosynthesis carbon dioxide In respiration glucose is broke down intocombines with water to produce glucose carbon dioxide and waterPhotosynthesis absorbs suns energy Respiration releases energy trapped in food orglucosePhotosynthesis takes place in the presence No catalyst is needed for respirationof a catalyst chlorophyll CO2 is absorbed in photosynthesis CO2 is released in respirationOxygen is released in photosynthesis Oxygen is absorbed in respiration

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Photosynthesis and respiration differ only in that they are the opposite reactions of each other. Photosynthesis is when carbon dioxide and water combine to form glucose. Respiration is when glucose is broken down into water and carbon dioxide.

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Photosynthesis and respiration differ only in that they are the opposite reactions of each other. Photosynthesis is when carbon dioxide and water combine to form glucose. Respiration is when glucose is broken down into water and carbon dioxide.

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