why there is need of poltical party

We need political parties on account of the functions they perform:

  • They draw together people who have similar political philosophies and ideas.
  • In the parliamentary arena, political parties provide the government and opposition
  • They also lend organisational support. The party machine, also known as the extra-parliamentary wing of the party, is responsible for organising and financing election campaigns, developing policies and recruiting members.
  • They articulate philosophies and develop policies. 
  • They are an avenue for community groups to influence the decision-making process.
  • They are one of the main avenues for political debate and discussion in the community

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to as to use the resources present with thecountry in a useful manner by the political party we want

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we need the political parties by which a compitition will cantenu, no one will rule over use political parties selected by the people , for the people and the compition between the parties help our nation in development or we can say that it help in devlopment

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