Why electronic configuration of some elements is 2 8 8 , some have 2 8 18 ,some have 2 8 18 18.Please explain.

Energy levels in an atom are shown in the following image. These shells are represented by the letters K, L, M, N…or the numbers, n=1,2,3,4…..

Electronic configuration is the arrangement of electrons in different shells. The maximum number of electrons which a shell can accommodate is 2n 2. Thus,

 K-shell (n=1) can maximum have 2 [2x12=2] electrons.

L-shell (n=2) can maximum have 8 [2x22=8] electrons.

 M-shell (n=3) can have 18[2x32=18] electrons.

K-shell (n=4) can maximum have 2[2x42=32] electrons.

For the following configurations,

 Element        Number of electrons      K    L    M    N         

         A           18                               2    8    8                       

         B           28                               2    8   18                      

         C           36                               2    8   18  18                

All the elements have different electronic configuration as they have different atomic numbers, hence, have different number of electrons. As a result, they have different outermost shell with different number of electrons present in it.

When electrons are filled in a particular shell then first that shell is completely filled with electrons then filling of next shell is started.

A ,B and C have these type of configurations as they have different number of electrons present in them. 

A has 18 eletcrons. First K is filled with 2 electrons then L is filled with 8 electrons. Now 10 electrons are accommodated and 8 electrons are left. These electrons will go to M shell. That is why A has completely filled K, L shells and incompletely filled M shell.


B has completely filled K,L and M shells.

C has completely filled K,L,M shells and incompletely filled N shell.

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 the tendency to donate/accept electrons vary from one element to the other

i.e. the electrons in the outer most shell<energy level> varies.

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hey 2,8,18 and 2,8,18,18 are impossible

they are wrong electronic configu.

i thik

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yes they're wrong.

nonetheless they vary depending upon their capacity to lose or accept electrons

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