Why do Mn & Tc have low melting points?

transition metals have high melting point....

        M. P order is:   5d>4d>3d

along the particular series, the M.P 1st increases, then reaches to maximum then starts decreasing...... there is a sharp decline in the M.P in between d series....the melting point of transition element is high due to stronger M-M interaction. and it becomes stronger wid increase in the unpaired electron which happens til the middle of the series......

       after that 1 electron starts pairing up and M-M interaction becomes weaker due to more repulsion..............

Mn(manganese) and Tc(technesium) have exceptionally ;ow melting point due to stable configuration , electrons are less delocalised & M-M interactions is comparitively weaker...................

is this ok????????

  • 9

Yeah, perfect. Thanks a lot =)

  • -6
I think it is not the correct reason because it can happen in 5d element also...
  • -1
Right answer
  • -2
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