The poet came across two roads. One of them looked like it was used daily by the travellers but the other one looked like no one ever used it. The poet chose the second road because of two reasons- 

firstly, he thought that nobody has ever used the roads and secondly he thought that the road needed wear and tear as no one ever used the road and the road was calling the poet to walk through it.

The poet doubts if he would ever come back to the road or would ever get a chance to make this decision once again . He says that it is important for him to make the right decision as possibly he would never get a chance to do that again and after few years he can just regret making the decision and cannot ever change it.

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The poet came across two roads. One of them looked like it was used daily by the travellers but the other one looked like no one ever used it. The poet chose the second road because of two reasons-

firstly, he thought that nobody has ever used the roads and secondly he thought that the road needed wear and tear as no one ever used the road and the road was calling the poet to walk through it.

The poet doubts if he would ever come back to the road or would ever get a chance to make this decision once again . He says that it is important for him to make the right decision as possibly he would never get a chance to do that again and after few years he can just regret making the decision and cannot ever change it.If you like it vote it up.

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The poet choose the second road as it was less travelled upon and promised adventures.This shows that the poet was an adventurous person.

      He doubted dat becoz 1 road leads to another.

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the narrator chooses 2 road bcaz he is ready to face challenges and it will be adventures.

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Hey i said dat answer

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The poet mentioned that first road was the road of materialism while second was of spiritualism. The first road was easy to travel. It didn't have many obstacles. The second road was a challenging and bit difficult to travel. He was ready to face challenges and that's why he chose second road.  

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the poet was a person who was ready to take risks in his life... he was an adventerous person ! he felt that the second road wasnt used by people so often so he planned to use that road which really changed his life

he felt that that second road was soemthing that changed his life and he didnt want to go back because he found success in the second road

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The poet Choose the second road because he wanted to make his life diffrent by taking risk of going on the path less travelled neglecting the first and the easy one he choose the second road which is fair,grassy and wanted wair.

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In the poem The Road Not Taken, we see the poet having a choice of taking two types of roads. Both the roads look very fresh and green the morning the poet takes a choice. However, one of these roads has always been travelled on while nobody has ever ventured into taking the other road. People have already taken the first road many times but the second road is left undiscovered and unknown.


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as it was untrodden.

roads lead on to roads and the origin is forgotten .
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The poet conveys a very important message in this poem. He tells us that man comes across many situations when he has to take a decision which sometimes can be crucial.
We must make the right choice by keeping on mind that 'opportunity knocks only once'.
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the poet choose second because it was grassy and less travelled
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