Why build up of positive charge in oxidation half cell (without salt bridge) of Daniell cell prevent flow of electrons?

Dear Student,

In a Daniell cell, the Zn half-cell contains Zn electrode in a solution of ZnSO4. This is the anode where Zn is oxidised to Zn2+.  Zn from the electrode lose their electrons and form Zn2+ ions and hence the Zn2+ species increase in the anodic half cell.

The cathodic half cell, contains Cu electrode in copper sulphate solution.  Cu2+ ions in the solution get reduced and get deposited on the electrode.  With time, the Cu2+ ion in solution get depleted and there are excess of SO42- ions.
With time, both the cells contain excess of ionic species.  The two half cells become charged and the cell is not electrically neutral.  Salt bridge allows movement of an anion to the anodic cell and a cation to the cathodic half cell and thus become electrically neutral as before. So, salt bridge maintains electro-neutrality.

Hope this information clears your doubts about the topic.

Keep asking!!


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