which point is known as point of satiety ?

its the point of maximum satisfaction where MU is 0
  • 5
it is a point where marginal utility is 0 and total utility is maximum
  • 18
according to consumer view point the point at which mu in 0 and tu is highest is known as point of satiety.
according to the point of view of producer this point is known as point of saturation.
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When marginal utility is zero
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according to consumer view point the point at which mu in 0 and tu is highest is known as point of satiety.
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It is the point where MU is zero and TU is maximum .also called point of saturation.
  • -1
Which lies in x-asxis....it means full satisfaction
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In consumer's point of view, satiety is the point at which the TU is at maximum and the MU is zero. While in producer's point of view, the same point is called saturation point.
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