What is the theme of the poem " A TIGER IN THE ZOO"

This poem is a beautiful representation of the plight of animals. People trap animals and keep them in cages in a zoo but they do not realise that a wild animal is better off in its natural habitat. The poet has shown a stark contrast in the living style of a tiger in a zoo and a tiger in a forest.A tiger, when kept in a cage, is not happy. He stalks the cage in a rage because he is furious to be held a captive. He should be left to wander in the forest and hunt his own food. A tiger usually hides in the tall grass and waits for his prey and then pounces on it, but if kept in a cage, he has to eat the food that is given to him. According to the poet, a tiger should be allowed to roam about freely near the villages that are on the edge of the forests and terrorise the villagers.But unfortunately, the tiger is locked up in a concrete cell and has learnt to ignore people as he cannot pounce on them. He is forced to stay in his cage and listen to the sounds of the patrolling cars outside, when he should have been on the prowl in the forest. His bright eyes look sadly at the shining stars up in the sky.The poet has very cleverly made us realise that even in this modern world we all look up to nature for respite from the fast moving life. Trapped in a cage, the tiger feels an affinity to the stars and through them to nature.

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The tiger terify the villagers by hunting and scaring rhe people of the villages
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Conservation of natural habitat
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Hope this helps

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What is the theme of the poem the tiger in the zoo
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Conservation of natural habitat
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the main theme of this poem refers to the freedom of the wild animals.we human beings have used them relentlessly for our own entertainment not thinking about the freedom of the animal which gets curtailed.the tiger in the zoo is contrasted to tiger in its natural habitat.we are simply using the the tiger for earning money not considerin their liberty.
  • 13
Pls tell the all poetic device used in the poem 'A tiger in the zoo'. Regards
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The poem 'A Tiger in the Zoo' by Leslie Norris. In this poem, the poet tries to depict the mental condition of a caged tiger. He compares the life of a tiger in the zoo with its life in its natural habitat. The poet conveys an important message that the wild animals should be in their natural habitat.
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i am best ...... all are lugar ok ........ 
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Hope this helps...

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Line by line summary of tiger in the zoo
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