What is the relationship between mr.Easton and Miss.Fairchild in the story Hearts and Hands by O.Henrt

This is somewhat the answer

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They were good friends who met in the west
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The relation of miss fair child with mr easton was that they were old good friends as soon miss fairchild remebered about him and they first met up in washington in a crowd and she also liked mr easton as he heard and saw that he was a marshall and she already indirectly said that she lived and spend rest of the days with him as she said "I love the west ,the weather suits me ,here" By this we can conclude the relation between mr easton and miss fairchild.
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By the conversation of Mr Easton and Mrs fairchild we came to know that they were old good friend
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Ms fairchild was an old acquaintance of Mr easton from the east, she shares a friendly relation with him. Though she mentions that she could settle in the West as the air here agrees with her signifying that she would happily settle down with Mr easton.
  • -1
Old good friends.
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was mr easton an ambassador
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