• what is the meaning of
  • f 0= frequency of the class preceding the modal class and
  • f 2= frequency of the class succeeding the modal class and how to use them to calculate mode when grouped data is given please tell its urgent

we calculate from the modal class using the formula below.


  • L is the lower class limit of the modal class
  • f1 is the frequency of the modal class
  • f0 is the frequency of the class before the modal class in the frequency table
  • f2 is the frequency of the class after the modal class in the frequency table
  • h is the class interval of the modal class

By the formula we can see that the terms f0 and f2 are the frequency of the class intervals preceding and succeeding the modal class respectively.

Modal class here refers to the the class interval associated with the maximum frequency.


  • 0

f0 is tahe frequecy before f1 and f2 is after

  • 0
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