what is the difference between mixed cropping and intercropping besides the fact that intercropping is in a definite pattern..i mean, isnt there a specific beneficial difference between these two?

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Growing more than one crop on a same piece of land during the year is known as multiple cropping.Traditional seeds r used.Traditional methods of agriculture is practised.But the yield is less.

Adopting scientific farming techniques is known as intercropping.Modern methods r used.Use of HYV of seeds.The yield is more.

Yes, there is .For example the yield is more etc.

hope u got.!

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mixed cropping is growing two or more crops simultaneously on piece of land,this reduces risk and if the insects are some micro organisms attacks  any one crop the two crops also get spoiled and also it difficult to spray the pesticides to crops

inter cropping is growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land in a definite patterns. by this method both crops can give better yield

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Mixed cropping


practice of growing two or more crops in proximity

practice of growing two or more crops in which the component crops are totally mixed in the available space.


no competition between both crops

There might be competition between the crops for food, space, light etc.


Sowing time may be same or different

They are sowed together.

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Intercropping is the practice of cultivating an additional


in the spaces available between the main crop. It is a practice often associated with sustainable agriculture and organic farming. It forms a part of polyculture. Examples of intercropping strategies are planting a deep-rooted crop with a shallow-rooted crop, or planting a tall crop with a shorter crop that requires partial shade.

Mixed cropping:

A cropping system that uses more than one type of crop, growing simultaneously, on the same piece of land at the same time.

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mixed cropping

in this method more than 1 crop is grown in any ratio on the same land.but after that providing mannure is  difficult.


in this method more than one crop is grown in the fixed ratio. in this mannure can be easily provided  to the crops.

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mixed cropping

in this method more than 1 crop is grown in any ratio on the same land.but after that providing mannure is difficult.


in this method more than one crop is grown in the fixed ratio. in this mannure can be easily provided to the crops.

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mixed cropping is when all seeds are sown together but in intercropping the different seeds can be sown at different times depending on the maturity duration and season most beneficial

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