what is the difference between isogametes, anisogametes and heterogamates

When two gametes ( male and female) have similar morphology and behavioural characteristics. These kind of gametes are indistinguishable by seeing only. Although these gametes differ in allelic expression.
Example- Cladophora alga produces isogametes

When two gametes (male and female ) differ not only in allelic expression but also in morphology and behavioural characteristics. These kind of gametes can be easily distinguished by seeing only. Female gamete is generally larger in size.
Example-  An alga Fucus produces heterogametes.

Anisogametes are also called the Heterogametes.

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In some algae the male and female gametes are not distinguishable from each other,i mean they are morphologically same and hence are termed as Isogametes(Iso-same).these gametes are also called as homogametes.

In Human beings and most of the sexually reproducing animals the male and female gametes are highly distinguishable from each other and are called as Heterogametes.

I think anisogametes and heterogametes are same.

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you are right anisogametes are heterogametes.

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actually in heterogametic system it is divided to 2 :- anisogamete and oogamete.

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