what is the difference between classification and tabulation?

Dear student,

The differences between classification and tabulation are-

* Classification is a process of arranging data in different groups according to some common characteristics. While, tabulation means presenting data in rows and columns.
* Classification is the basis for tabulation, first, the data is classified than it is arranged in the form of a table.
* Classification aims on sorting of raw data. While, tabulation aims to present data in a systematic manner.


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classification means to seperate 

tabulation mean to one below other

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classification is to cllasify the data and tabulatuion is the process of arranging the data in tabular form containing headings, stubs, etc.........

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classification meav divided into various types but tabulation means process of data in tabular

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Classification                 Tabulation It is the basis for tabulation It is the basis for further analysis It is the basis for simplification It is the basis for presentation Data is divided into groups and subgroups on the basis of similarities and dissimilarities. Data is listed according to a logical sequence of related characteristics data are separated and grouped based on a property of the data common to all values Data is arranged into columns and rows based on characteristics/properties, or indicators. emphasize on the presentation aspects of the data used as a means of sorting of data for further analysis  
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