what is the best meaning of Tsunami ? 

Dear Student,

Tsunami refers to "A very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption".

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A tsunami is a huge ocean wave that can travel at speeds up to 600 mi/hr (965 km/hr), hundreds of miles over open sea before it hits land.  a tsunami is usually caused by an earthquake, volcanic eruption or coastal landslide.

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A tsunami is a killer wave. It occurs due to the earthquake or landslide or volcanic eruption.

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tsu-harbour,nami-waves.so tsunami means harbour waves.

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the proper word is DISASTER.............

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a great sea wave produced especialy by earthquake and volcanic eruption

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huge wave of water that can destroy a city

which is formed under the ocean due to earth quake

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The term tsunami comes from the Japanese , composed of the two  (tsu) meaning "harbour" and  (nami), meaning "wave". 

tsunami  is a series of water waves .
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