what is nature of the image formed by a concave mirror if the magnification produced by the mirror is +3

Dear student


  • 1
Remember if magnification of image is postive then the image will be virtual erect and larger than the object and if magnification is negative then image will be real and inverted
  • 4
Remember if magnification of image is postive then the image will be virtual erect and larger than the object and if magnification is negative then image will be real and inverted
  • 1
Remember if magnification of image is postive then the image will be virtual erect and larger than the object and if magnification is negative then image will be real and inverted
  • 2
Remember if magnification of image is postive then the image will be virtual erect and larger than the object and if magnification is negative then image will be real and inverted
  • 2
it is +3
  • -1
it is +3
  • 0
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