what is direct and inverse proportions i cannot understand ncerts defination

Hi Prakhar!
Two quantities, x and y, are said to be in direct proportion, if they increase (decrease) together in such a manner that the ratio of their corresponding values remains constant. That is, x/y = k, where k is a positive number.
Two quantities, x and y, are said to be in inverse proportion, if an increase in x causes a proportional decrease in y (and vice-versa) in such a manner that the product of their corresponding values remains constant. That is, xy = k, where k is a positive number.
Let us consider the case of the number of employees and time taken to finish a work. More the number of employees, less will be the time taken to finish the work. Therefore, this is a case of inverse proportion.
Let us consider another example, Price of wheat weight of wheat that can be brought at a fixed rate. More the weight of wheat, more will be the cost. Therefore, this is a case of direct proportion.
Hope! You got the answers.

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