what is deplection?

Depletion is the act of decreasing or reduction in the number or quantity of anything, such as depletion of ozone layer, depletion of natural resources. 

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reduction in the number or quantity of something.

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Depletion means decreasing greatly. For example, the depletion of water in the dam means that we will need to come up with extreme measures to conserve water.

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depletion is the act (its a noun) of using of a resource of any type, faster than it is being replaced.

if you have food at the house, and you eat some of it. you just depleted your supply of food. when you go to the grocery store in a week, you will be able to replete your stocks.you deplete batteries when you use your ipod. you deplete anything when you use it, depending on the scale you use to measure the replacement.
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