What is conservation of forest and how can it be conserved.

Conservation of forests means protecting the forest cover and using forest resources judicially.

Forests can be conserved by promoting afforestation and reforestation (re planting) of plants. Deforestation (cutting of plants) for commercial purpose and for domestic fuel wood in villages should be discouraged.

Need for conservation of forests: 

•Forests are our life line as they have large no. of trees which provide us O2.
•Forests provide wood for fuel, paper and furniture
•Forests are the home for wide number of wild animals.
•Forests have large no. of medicinal herbs
•Forests maintain the ecosystem 

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preserving or protecting of forest is called conservation of forest.
  1. by preventing  overgrazing
  2. by afforestration
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samag me aye to likhle varna rehne de...tera future bright hai,,,give a thumbs up you b***h.....olalalalalalalala

Perlindungan hutan adalah suatu upaya dalam melindungi hutan dari gangguan dan mengembalikan karakteristik dan fungsi hutan seperti semula. Perlindungan tidak hanya mencegah ancaman anthroposentris (dari manusia), namun juga dari hama (patologi hutan) dan bencana alam. Perlindungan hutan merupakan salah satu bidang pekerjaan yang dipenuhi risiko penyuapan dan bahaya fisik di lapang. Tidak jarang jagawana diserang oleh pelaku perburuan hewan dan pembalakan liar.[1]


samag me aye to likhle varna rehne de...tera future bright hai,,,give a thumbs up you b***h.....olalalalalalalala


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