What is a eulturable wastelands

What is a eulturable wastelands Define the term 'sustainable developments 1. What is the tenitorial water of India. State the limit of 2. exclusive Economic Zone. 1+1 = 2 3. What is net sown area and eulturable wasteland. 1+1 "In 1960 - 61 our total percentage of pasture land w 4.71% while in 2002 - 03 it was 3.45%" From the above statement classify how we are abit feed our huge cattle population on this pasture Give any three causes of land degradation.

I think this is a typo. The word should be culturable wastelands.

Culturable wastelands refer to wastelands that are available for agriculture. This is land which has been uncultivated for the last five years but is sufficiently fertile to be cultivated.

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