What aresome of the reasons for `objectivity’ being more complicated insocial sciences, particularly disciplines like sociology?

Objectivitymeans being unbiased, neutral or based on facts alone.

(i)In case of social science, especially sociology, objectivity becomesmore complicated because, like every human, there are some notionsperceived by sociologists which make it difficult for him/her tostudy the culture and norms of a different society in a neutralmanner. This can lead to incorrect research.

(ii)The sociologist who is conducting a research can also get biased ifthe issues are related to his/her society and can imply his/herpersonal notions to that study. Hence, despite of being reflexivethere are chances of unconsciousbias.

(iii)There are many versions of truth in the social world. A boy and anold person would have different notions on a particular thing. Ashopkeeper and a customer would have different ideas regarding the‘good price’ of a product. Thus, there is no universaltruth in social sciences, making them difficult to arrive at aconclusion.

(iv)Sociology is a ‘multi-paradigmatic’ science. There aredifferent schools of thought that sometimes contradict each other. Asa result, ‘objectivity’ becomes complicated in socialsciences, especially sociology.

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